
Roundtable Time and Location

Round Table is the Third Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm.

Graceway Church
10200 Morningside Dr.
Leesburg FL 34788

Schedule of Roundtables

Big RockSafety MomentCub Scout BreakoutScouts BSA BreakoutYouth Leader BreakoutMerit Badge
FebUpdated Guide to AdvancementHazardous Weather TrainingRace Time AdventuresHigh Adventure PlanningForestry
MarDuty to GodFood SafetyLeader Succession PlanningHammock CampingPersonal Management (Part1)
AprSummertime Recruiting / Open HousesStove Fuel SafetyDay Camp / Summertime Activity AwardManaging Stress in Youth LeadershipCitizenship in Society
MayProgram Year Kickoff and ExpoProgram Year Kickoff and ExpoProgram Year Kickoff and ExpoPreparing the SPL for Summer CampPersonal Management (Part2)
JuneFirst Aid / Emergency PrepFirst Aid / Emergency PrepFirst Aid / Emergency PrepFirst Aid / Emergency Prep
AugRecruiting / School NightsBullying and ExclusionLeader Training and Use of Leader Guide / TechnologyUniformingSalesmanship

If you would like to present at the Lake District Round Table, please email by the 2nd Thursday of the month you would like to present. This includes community members and events such as Wood Badge Beading Ceremonies. Wood Badge Beading Ceremonies are limited to May District Awards Night and November Round Table.

Be a part of the pre-Round Table slideshow. Please email your scout event pictures to, and we will add your scout pictures to the monthly pre-Round Table slideshow.

If you would like to be a part of Roundtable in doing a Flag Ceremony or Scout Master Minute, please email with the month you want to do.

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